I am working on a secret project.
Secret because it is going to be a Christmas present for someone, so this means I won't be posting photos of it here until after the person has recieved it.
The plan is to make two of the things I am working on as Christmas presents.
I am nearly at the halfway mark with the first one.
I am also working on my ripple still.
And would you believe it I ended up taking it apart yet again!!!! last week.
I will be posting new photos of the ripple soon, I just wanted to make 100% sure that I had finally gotten it the way I want it before posting again.
October was a strange month for me I must say.
It seem like everything I was working on wasn't turning out right.
Maybe it was me I don't know.
Maybe my expectations were too high.
My grey blanket will end up being smaller than I first expected.
Simply because it wasn't until I'd finished all the squares that I realized that it was going to be really big.
And I'd already joined some of the squares together and I didn't like the way they looked, but I couldn't get them apart without having to pull a few apart altogether.
So this is a mini progress report of what I'm up to.
Boy am I glad that October has gone.
Because like I said it was a month in which nothing seemed to be going right, project wise then.
I am however staying postive about it all now.
And I now know that I have righted all the wrongs, and loads of lovely successful finished (and progress) project photos will follow in the days, weeks and months to come.