In my last post I revealed my plans to make a ripple blanket after I have finished my grey blanket.
Well earlier this afternoon I took a look at my stash of yarn and I now know what I am going to do.
I've been thinking about this ripple on and off for a while now.
I am always like this I must add, that is that I am working on one project and already thinking about the next.
But I love doing it, I just love to know what I'm doing or am going to do, and getting the plan clear in my head before I start.
Well this week I was tempted, and I mean really, really, really tempted.
To buy new yarn for the new ripple project.
However I have a number of cream colours and beige and light browny colours and also a light yellowy colour that is more like a cream colour, that I could use up for a ripple.
Well when I put all the colours together in a pile I thought, this is it!
That is what I also like to have as well, a click, a feel good about the whole thing moment.
And that is what I had.
So that is what I am going to doing with the ripple.
Now If you have been reading my blog posts for a while you might be thinking and the ripple you started on then? what happened to that?
(that is the photo above)
Well I stopped with it.
Simply because the yarn I was using wasn't a good yarn for a ripple.
It was a really cheap fluffy yarn (that is wonderfully soft I must say) that splits a lot when you're working with it.
Now don't get me wrong I am using this yarn up.
Four of the colours I am using for the grey blanket are this yarn.
Now if you use it in combination with other stronger yarns it's fine, but no good to be used for a whole blanket by itself.
So I have a plan and I love it !!!!
Now back to my grey blanket.