Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Four years of Getting Hooked (again) and boy did I get hooked!!!!

I'm full of ideas and inspiration at the moment.
I just wish I could crochet quicker lol!!!
I think you know what I mean, like I'm busy working on a project and another idea just pops into my head.
When I was younger I would have just started on the new idea and end up having don't know how many WIP.
And of course that meant that not many of them got finished.

Now, however I try, (yes I really try) not to have more than two projects going at once.
And I have to finish them.
Living up to these rules isn't always easy.
But I'm working on two projects at the moment so that is ok.

It's now March 5th and I'd forgotten that on March 3rd this blog was 4 years old.
So, a couple of days too late but I got to thinking about just how many blankets have I made, and finished (very important) since I started this blog?
So, here they are.

This was the first one I made.
I ordered the yarn for this online and when I got it it was much darker than I really wanted, but I finished it all the same.
And I didn't know about joining as you go then so I stitched it together.

In between making this granny and the next blanket I made stuff that I ended up pulling apart.

Then came this hexagon blanket.

Which I still love to this day.
I have it over hanging over a chair in one of the bedrooms.
It's been washed a lot (because the cats love it too) and it still looks good.

Then I fell in love with Japanese Flowers.

Didn't know when I'd finished this one it would be the first of three.
It's made with the same yarn as the hexagon blanket (which has been discontinued....) so it washes up well.
It's home is our sofa bed.

Then I made three large granny square blankets for my granddaughters, Megan, Emily & Katie.

Two wanted pink so one was light pink in the middle the other dark pink in the middle and the other one blue.
Then a ripple in Cath Kidston Colours.

It ended up going to my Daughter Sarah.
And she still loves it I'm glad to say.

And then another Japanese Blanket

In this photo it wasn't quite finished I had one more row to join and the edging to add.
But this is the only photo where you can see almost all of it.
This hangs a crossed the bottom of our bed.

And then yet another Japanese Blanket.

This one went to my Granddaughter Libby.

Then her brother wanted a blanket too so back to grannies.

The photos of this blanket are not really that good because it was and is lovely.
And my Grandson Chris loves it.

And the last one I've made so far.

The multi-coloured black granny for my son Tim.
So there you have it 11 blankets made and finished over the past 4 years since starting this blog.

And I still have another couple to make for Family members.
But first I have to finish the two I'm working on now!!!!

Chris Xx


  1. Lovely! Great collection of blankets

  2. You have been working hard! I really love the autumn-coloured Japanese Flower blanket.

  3. I love the Japanese flower blankets and the latest granny square ones the best! Great finishes too

  4. Hi Chris,

    Your work is beautiful and inspirational. May I ask please the size of the hook you used for your ripple blanket? I'm using 100% acrylic and 5.5mm hook and not getting very good definition of the eyelets at the hills and vallies. Perhaps my hook is too big? The other concern I have is which loop I'm using. I won't be beaten. It is such a great design. Kind regards, Melinda
