Thursday, 30 June 2011

More (alot more) Granny Goodness

I've finished two of my three Big Granny Square Blankets!!!!!!

I went a bit mad taking photos!!!

This blue and cream one is for my granddaughter Megan
And this pink and cream one is for my Granddaughter Emily!!!!
On both of them I did a simple picot edging to finish them off.
What I did with the edging was this, I used up all the bits and bobs of wool I had over from the blanket.
I made them into a ball of wool that just change colour on my way around.
The pink middle looks darker in these photos.
So two down one to go.
I started on the 1st of June, so two blanket in a month!!!! Not bad at all.
The last one is coming a long nicely and I can spend all my time on that one now. 


  1. I've never made a giant granny square blanket. Seeing yours makes me think I should try one!
