Well, I said I'd be able to do quite abit Thursday and Friday evening because I'd be at work.
It turned out that I didn't have to work afteral.
So I decided I'd just work on the blanket in between doing my household work.

Now I had first planned to do six blocks and an edging but it didn't look big enough.
So I decided to go for seven.

So now I am doing the edging.
I decided it was best to spend my time on the rainbow blanket and leave the ripple for a while until the rainbow one is finished.
I must say that the blanket looks better in real life, these photos seem to make the colours too coloury, they are much softer colours really.
But all with all I am really pleased with the way it as turned out.
It looks really really soft and cuddly and happy. Gosh, you are so fast... Still nursing my aching arm... How I wish I could continue on mine. Lovely. Well done!