The two balls of yarn above are the yarns I use the most.
Now they are both 100 percent acrylic, but the way they crochet up is very different.
The one on the right was really cheap, like I mean dirt cheap, it was only 94 euro cent for 100 gram ball.
The one on the left was 1 euro a ball 50 gram ball.
The really dirt cheap one I bought alot of awhile ago.
And I used it for my bag and I am using it for my ripple blanket.
It is very light and fluffy.
But to be honest I like to work with the other one the best because it crochets up tighter and seems stronger.
And it come in so many yummy colours, awhile ago I ordered one ball of nearly all the colours in comes in, just to try stuff out with it.
And I am making my daughter Sarah's bag from this one and it is working up well.
Well, I guess when I've used up the dirt cheap one I will only be using the other one because it is so nice to work with.
But all I can say is I love acyrlic!!!!!!!
I get what you mean when you say " Yummy Colours". I like your blog it is very informative, and looks nice!!! xx